Sabrina, Angel in the Outfield


Sabrina moved into my neighborhood with her husband and two children.  Her family instantly became a part of our core group of friends and it was always a joy to be around them and watch their kids grow up.  Sabrina was an amazing teacher as well as an avid softball and baseball fan.  She would run her kids all over the place to make sure they enjoyed their sports and took care of all their needs.  She took a job at the elementary school where her daughter was attending with my kids so I loved seeing her walk out and take care of the kids as they were dismissed for school. 

One morning I get a phone call and my other neighbor mom that I was super close to told me to pull over if I was driving and I asked her why?  Out of nowhere she told me that Sabrina had passed away.  She had only been in the hospital for less then a week and just like that, she was gone.  The pure shock of emotions and dread came over me and I knew that our neighborhood would never be the same.  As I prepared for the funeral I could only think about painting something for the family because it is a way for me to mourn the loss of my friend and also try to give something special from my heart. 

I found one of my favorite photos of Sabrina and then I thought about her favorite place.  She LOVED watching her kids practice and play games on the baseball field.  I thought of the title “Angel in the outfield.”  I put on my favorite music of peace and painted through the pain.  As if I’m painting and praying at the same time.  I open up my heart and allow God to speak and move through me.