Sleeping Giant Series

Oil on Canvas

There is a Manhead mountain that is behind our community of Heritage Lake.  The Natives that have lived on the reservation near by told us this folklore.  The giant was walking through, got tired, laid down and went to sleep.  If you ever go hiking on the mountain you may come across an old homeless looking man with a very long beard and an old shabby goat.  They say he is the devil and you should run if you see him.  Also if you you’re your car at the base of the mountain and turn off your lights you’ll hear a bunch of footsteps almost like they are running towards you. 

There have been plane crashes on the mountain and you can see the debris to this day.  The images that I’ve taken with my phone actually look like a sleeping giant.  It’s pretty incredible and fascinating to me.  When I drive down McCall going East I can see him so clearly.  As I’m driving from different angles the street lights almost act as eyeballs to the giant.  This is the inspiration of my paintings.